
Mostrando entradas de agosto 28, 2019

Post 2: The best holidays ever!

Hi bloggers! Today I'm going to write about my best holidays.   In the summer of 2016, I went to La Serena. This trip was so meaningful for me, because was the first time that I've been far away from my house and also, the first time that I backpacked and camped in my life.  Well, the trip was planned with my boyfriend and it lasted about a week. We spent the first part of the week at the city, and then we travelled to a little town very far from there. Both experiences were new for us, especially the days we camped between the hills. It was almost extreme -in those days- for me, because there weren't public transport, streetlights and the telephone signal was minimal. So, if we wanted to make a call, we had to walk many meters to have a good signal. But during the days it didn't matter, because the place was so amazing that you forget to check your phone, or even know what time is.  The nights were cold and quiet. I also remember the sky ful