Post 7: My bucket list

Hi bloggers,
Today I'm going to write about my bucket list

First of all, I'll dedicate this post to my dog whose on the puppy's heaven.

I have to say that I was very close with my pet, and when my dog died the last summer, I decided to make many changes in my life. It could sound a bit exaggerated for some people but in those days I was so bad, that it marked me so strong. To put this into context, Dixie, always was a healthful and quiet dog, but he changed drastically one day to another. Well, he was thirteen years old, but in spite of his age and after taking many exams, no one canned know what was the disease! And passing the days he didn't have the enough strength to eat or even, urinate. He needed help all the time. Since that days, I decided to be more considerated and don't overlook the suffering of any animal and I started to follow this kind of causes. So, the principal longing to get in my life about this topic, it's that people be awareness about the different kind of species and that they can feel and suffer as we do. Animals are part of the world and we are not superior in any sense. 

Nowadays many people are more conscicious and contribute as they can: cruelty-free products, campaings as "#moday_without_meat, and others. Despite of this, there're a long way to go and during I write this post, or even you read this lines, there are an indefense animal suffering in any part of the world. So, before I die I would like to make actions (especially from my career of design) to build a better society


  1. Even if you haven't complete your post I will be posting. I also suffer the death of my dog, and I understand you, it´s hard, keep up!


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